Very keen on jazz, founding member of the “European Jazz Federation”, Chiriac would copy many discs on tape and arrange them in the radio"s archive. “All of the radio"s tapes were written and arranged by Chiriac"s hand” would Aurel Gherghel later say. He made his first appearance on radio in 1963 with the show “Jazz of yesterday and today” which would later become “Jazz Magazine”.
Rock music and “Metronome” In one night from 1967 he managed to listen the Beatles" discography up to that moment brought in country by Camil Petrescu jr. The latter remembers: “I came the next morning and he was sleeping on the typewriter; he raised his head and said: <<Man, they are terrific!>> and he fell back to sleep.”
Discovering his taste for rock, Chiriac produced on Radio Romania the most popular music show at the time, titled “Metronome” starting with the 10th July 1967. Working in team with Geo Limbasanu he was presenting the listeners information to date from genres such as pop, rock or jazz. Songs of bands or performers like Beatles, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan or Joan Baez were broadcasted. It sometimes occurred that some albums be presented to the public just 2 or 3 days after their issue in USA.
Just after the invasion of Czechoslovakia (21st August 1968) he broadcasted a ballade composed by Mircea Florian in which it was being told how 5 little wolves and a bigger one attacked a sheepfold and later the Beatles" “Back in the USSR”. As a consequene the show was canceled in 1969.
“The Golden Stag” As a producer he especially supported Phoenix (Timisoara) and Sideral (Bucharest) bands. He made important recordings in the Radio studios with the former and promoted them on various occasions. In 1969 he launched endeavours to bring them to the festival in Brasov and succeeded in including them in the line. As a coincidence, Cliff Richard was also going to perform, being the one who 8 years before starred in The Young Ones, a film that inspired many Romanian rock bands. In the meantime the Phoenix band members were lodged at the North Hotel in Bucharest to be viewed by the censorship. During the festival Chiriac returned from Brasov with the bad news of the show"s cancellation but with the hope of resolving the situation in the last moment. Not being able to persuade the organizers he locked himself in the hotel room and fired the curtains as a form of protest. The hotel"s staff and the firefighters broke the door to extinguish the fire and Ciriac disappeared in the crowd having with him just the tapes with the Phoenix songs.
Cornel Chiriac in the RFE Studio After a few days he managed to pass the border in Austria with a faked invitation (which he got during the festival from Brasov and having Poland as initial destination). He was lodged in a refugee camp where he was discovered by Noel Bernard, manager of the romanian department of Radio Free Europe. After resolving the paper problems Chiriac continued his activity in Munich at the Romanian department of the forementioned radio station starting with the 2nd June 1969. He resumed “Metronome”, “Jazz Magazine” and started a 3rd show “Jazz a la quarte”. Later he would also host 4 more shows besides the forementioned programmes (325 minute per week).
In the beginning, Chiriac gave vent to the people that didn"t allow him to do his job as a radioman in Romania. Ioana Magura Bernarnd remembers: “It has often occurred that after some reckless actions Cornel had problems with the German authorities and the American board of Radio Free Europe, insomuch that he was about to be expelled from Germany and from the radio station.” According to Noel Bernard, he eventually realised that “not politics but music was his mission”. He had a consistent activity in the field of music until his death, also providing a Romanian translation of the rock opera „Jesus Christ Superstar” (Andrew Lloyd Webber/Tim Rice).
“An incredible efficiency, musical knowledge, unfailing taste, spiritually open-minded towards any viable project, knowing the subtleties of literary English from which he translated hundreds of rock and progressive rock songs texts, his naturally assumed mission to deal with culture on the radio, but not by giving himself airs but by a naturalness, a passion and a warmth of the speech which remained unforgettable, these are the qualities that brought him a huge popularity in Romania and other European countries. To crown all, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Russian and Bulgarian youngsters listened to his programmes although they didn"t understand what he was saying. His intonation, flawless pronunciation of names, free nature of discourse have brought down the house. At the Prometeus club I found out that “The Metronome” was being listened even in Irkuțk (Siberia).”
"Am cantece noi si am tot discutat intre noi," spune el. Dylan a anuntat ca intentioneaza sa reuneasca trupa Wallflowers in ianuarie pentru a incepe sa lucreze la noul album, primul de la Rebel, Sweetheart, din 2005. Avem cantece noi spune el, si vrem sa lucram pe ele o perioada, ca sa le facem sa sune si mai bine.
Intotdeauna am dorit sa reunesc trupa Wallflowers, eu niciodata nu am vrut sa se desparta, dar cu totii am simtit ca pierdem controlul si a trebuit sa facem o pauza. Si aceasta pauza a durat deja 6 ani, fara sa ne dam prea bine seama cum au trecut. Sunt foarte incantat de ce am putea realiza, iar ultimele doua albume sunt cam in maniera a ceea ce am scris acum, desi sunt destul de departe de linia initiala a trupei. Pe albumul Women and Country, nu puteam sa imi dau seama cum va suna cu asa o instalatie imensa de tobe in spate. Mentalitatea pe care o ai cand esti tanar si incepi sa canti intr-o formatie este ca nimic altrceva in lume nu mai conteaza, ca asta vei face toata viata, iar apoi bineinteles, lucrurile se schhimba. Am cantat de curant pentru Rolling Stones si a fost de fapt destul de confuz procesul, deoarece am cantat pe imensul Dodgge Stadium, care era atat de mare incat desi erau mai bine de 3000 de oameni inauntru, aveam senzatia ca e pe jumatate gol. Dar suntem data sa o facem din nou.
"The Wall" va incepe turneele in US anul viitor. Roger Waters este decis sa duca in USA noua sa productie, intr-o versiune noua, a albumului The Wall in 2012, de data aceasta programand spectacole impresionante in fiecare mare centru de spectacole din America. Locatiile alese sunt urmatoarele AT&T Park in San Francisco (11 mai), BC Place in Vancouver (26 mai), Wrigley Field in Chicago (8 iunie), Rogers Center in Toronto (23 iunie) si Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia (14 iulie). Intre aceste date, Waters va canta in diverse alte locuri, selectand si unele care au fost omise anul trecut.
Waters, membru fondator al Pink Floyd, a compus marea majoritate a pieselor de pe albumul The Wall si l-a inregistrat impreuna cu trupa in 1979. Este si la aceasta ora unul dintre cele mai de succes dublu albume din istoria muzicii. Pink Floyd au cantat aceasta opera rock de 29 de ori in intregime in 1980. Waters a mai realizat un spectacol special in Berlin in 1990, pentru a celebra caderea Zidului Berlinului.
In 2010 si 2011, Waters a oferit spectacole cu The Wall de mai mult de 120 de ori in intreaga lume, intr-o regie care includea foarte multe efecte speciale de senzatie. "Vom realiza proiectii la peste 140 de iarzi," Waters declara pentru Rolling Stone in Septembrie. "Asa ca acum va fi mai bine de 1,500 pixeli de mare. Am facut teste de lumina in Fenway Park si Wrigley Field si pe Yankee Stadium numai ca sa vedem cum e cu lumina ambientala. Si este bine, functioneaza minunat."
Albumul Kaiser Chiefs umbrit de promo-urile digitale
Intentia de inovatie a esuat. Albumul Kaiser Chiefs al trupei cu acelasi nume pe care
intentionau sa il scoata intr-o formula unica, de genul “creeaza-ti propriul album”, si pentru care au incarcat 20 de piese, pentru a permite fanilor sa realizeze combinatii de 10 piese favorite, se pare ca s-a intors impotriva lor. The Future Is Medieval a avut parte de o anumita acoperire media cand a aparut online, dar numai un procent mic dintre fanii lor a fost interesat de realizarile lor, iar partea de promovare chiar a reusit sa umbreasca proiectul trupei.
Membri trupei au declarat ca poate ar fi fost mai bine sa mai astepte putin cu lansarea celor 10 piese preferate, pentru ca astfel se puteau bucura de o acoperire mai larga. Solistul Ricky Wilson a spus: "Casa noastra de discuri a vrut sa lansam albumul la timp pentru sezonul festivalurilor, astfel ca toata lumea sa cunoasca deja piesele noi. Ii inteleg punctul de vedere dar eu as mai fi asteptat cu lansarea pana cand toata lumea ar fi fost la curent cu lansarea digitala".
Cartea "va pune lucrurile in ordine". Courtney Love a semnat un contract cu HarperCollins William Morrow pentru a-i publica memoriile. Compania a anuntat ca volumul “va pune lucrurile in ordine” in ce priveste problemele ei cu droguri, viata impreuna cu Kurt Cobain, si alte subiecte ale presei de scandal. Cu toate ca Love nu a fost niciodata departe de atentia media, cu multe bloguri in ultimii ani, se spera ca volumul acesta va aduce si ceva limpezime povestii ei. c in aprilie.